Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Thursday, May 27, 2004


are soooo expensive! Went to campus today to drop off the last of my homework for the aggravating practicum class. Picked up my last paycheck of the sememster, then bought my texts for summer. That about took care of the paycheck.

The Wolves NEED to win tonight in order to keep LA at bay and on their toes. I wish Casell (sp) could play, but it is probably better for his back if he doesn't. KG needs to be a leader tonight and Sprewell just needs to keep making those 3 pointers. Put the big guy in to battle it out with Shaq. And how come it is ok for Kobe to come into the game late due to his court hearing? Is that fair? Let's hope his mind stays on his legal issues and out of the game. And lets keep fouling Shaq and send him to the free-throw line.

One more week off of school then it is 16 weeks covered in 4 x 2 sessions (classes).

Going to see Prince in a couple of weeks. Gonna go to Jody's tonight. Ran into her at the liquor store and she invited me over. She is one of the most difficult people to get a hold of.

Saw my VERY pregnant friend two days ago. She is ready to pop and says she has not enjoyed this experience at all. Doesn't want to do it again. First time to hear that.

Well, gotta go. There is a pizza waiting to be picked up and a beer with my name on it.

Only 43% more time left until my honey is home again!!!!!


Sunday, May 23, 2004

The series is tied!!!

The Wolves won by almost 20 points tonight. And they kept the Lakers to a low score of 71 points. That is ~AWESOME~ makes me a happy fan.

Should get to bed so I can get up with the puppy.

Have lots to do this week, bummer. And then it will be time for school...well on the 7th is when SS1 starts.

Its been horribly cold here today. High was about 45. It was raining loads. We don't need any more rain for a while, but it is suppose to rain most of this week. Need to get myself a pair of Lakeport Loafers (waders??) to take the dog on his walks.

Been getting emails from my friend K----. He's having issues with the latest gal he's dating. Don't know if I want to get too much info about those problems...

David has been keeping busy down at the pole. Taking a self-defense class on the weekends. Working 6 days a week. Didn't get to talk to him yesterday, but that's ok. The last 3 calls have had lousy reception, satellites having troubles-- stories of my life.


Saturday, May 22, 2004

Weddings in the Springtime

unfortunately it felt more like mid-October. Overcast skies, blustery winds coming from the North and all the smokers out on the patio at the local country club. Was a beautiful ceremony and the food was delicious. Unfortunately most of my family on that side sucks and I left just as the happy couple were dancing their first dance. My er, um, (insert correct description of the wicked witch here) grandmother wouldn't hardly acknowledge my existence or bother to turn around in her chair to say goodbye. That sums up our relationship in a nutshell. She is evil and only cares about her chosen few (of whom I am not)...ANYWAYS

Came home to Picasso stories. He barely greeted me, then wouldn't leave my side. Then turned on his terror act, forcing me to punish him by putting him in his kennel for a timeout. Then he chilled out and is now sleeping in the living room.

Gonna go socialize with the family that loves me.

Missing the BF, but glad that the summer solstice is almost here, then it will really be time to start counting down. Now, if only I can get a concrete date of when he'll be back I can put my plans of a dream weekend into action...It will cost some dough, but! it will be well worth it. I want to surprise him and spoil him and me a little bit before we have to get back to reality and figuring out where we go from here.

Don't get me wrong, am looking forward to that figuring, just want it to happen at its own pace and not my warped, hyper-speed I sometimes force upon situations...


Friday, May 21, 2004


The Wolves are playing right now. First game of round two on the road to the finals. Playing the Lakers and its an intense game.

GO WOLVES!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Good to hear from Friends

these would be my friends and not the ones on TV. It is so hard to keep track of people as we move and diversify.

Gonna get together with Chae from High School next week. She is due in June..having a C-section so her hubby can be here. Just want to see her minx-like body looking normal and female.

missing the honey like no tomorrow. Thank god for email. He said that 4 years ago there was no email communication and during the winter only one mail drop but nothing could go out...I couldn't have survived. I know me. And it wouldn't have worked. At least we have daily communication and once the solstice is upon us, then we are that much closer to being reunited.

Watched the Bachelor finale tonight---so happy he chose choice for him especially after sending Tara on her way and what she had to say.

Idol isn't rigged, watched that too tonight. WAs gonna boycott if Fantasia or Diana got the boot. They at least can sing. No offense to Jasmine but she doesn't have the chops, only the looks.

Gotta check the powerball and hope for the best. The rents are in dire-straits and could use it.

Missing my baby.

Gotta go smoke. Did I mention that I started again??? Will try to quite when it is closer to David coming home and me moving outta here. Wishing for a ring..


Tuesday, May 18, 2004

What is it??

that I want? I ask myself this almost daily. I know who I want, but he is at the pole. But what do I want out of life?

I want love.
I want to be loved.
I want happiness.
I want a home to call my own.
I want freedom within the comforts of a relationship.
I want to continue to grow as a person: both spiritually and emotionally.
I want a family.
I want land.
I want to travel.
I want my Master's.
I want to teach.
I want to learn.
I want to strive each day to be a better person.
I want to right past wrongs in both this life and ones past.
I want truth and honesty.

Do I ask for too much?


Sunday, May 16, 2004

another day

almost over. Spoke with my honey last night, it is always good to hear his voice even if it is a lousy connection. That is one of the things that sucks the most about him being at the Pole, the connection is always iffy. He was telling me last night that 4 years ago there wasn't any phone or internet connections available. So the technology has improved immensely! I would be crazy if I couldn't talk to him or type to him daily.

I gotta go and take care of the dog.


Friday, May 14, 2004

Got the grades

to prove that I must be doing something right. Check my final grades for the semester and I was very pleased 2 A-'s and 1 B (in my difficult grammar class). I was very very happy, as I was expecting much worse.

Still haven't taken the time to figure out the Haloscan comments link thingie...not sure if I want to give myself the headache.

The dog, Picasso, is being himself...Absolutely wonderful from 6-9am and then a terror from 9-11am then he sleeps until 1 or 3 and then starts all over again.
Last night before bed, he needed to relieve himself. Well, after taking a leak it was evident from his behavior that he needed to do his other business. As I was trying to coax it out of him ("Time to go potty. Go potty. Go potty..." repeated over and over as a kind of mantra for him) he decided he was too tired and plopped down but was all ears to the sounds of the night. Well, yanking on his leash didn't work. So I physically carried him into the house. 15 minutes later he gives me his whine (which is the cue that he has to go) take him out and it is a repeat performance. This time I carry him to his kennel where he spent the night. Thus the wake-up whine at 6, when he promptly did his business.
He is absolutely gorgeous and can be a lover when he isn't biting or attacking cuz he wants to play. So it is a new adventure, day by day.

Well, as I write this he gets up his whine. Gotta go take him for a walk.


Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Why did I have to fix something if it wasn't broken??

Anyway...I can't figure out the haloscan comments thing. Blogger seemed to have changed its layout and that has created some issues with my other comments tag. Hmm, perhaps I will deal with it tomorrow. Or maybe not.

I rearranged my room, feeling a bit better about it, but we will see how it is in a month.


Wee bit of troubles..

I woke up this morning and felt PINK. So I decided to change the blog, only to discover my links and comments sections disappeared. Now I am having troubles reinstating them. Not sure about the comments provided by Blogger, as it looks like it is attached to my timestamp. So for those who read me, please bear with me, as this is a work in progress or until I get fed up. Whichever gets resolved first!


On vaca...

The dog is spoiled rotten. He won't get off my bed without help. He weighs 25lbs and is half the length of me! Oh well, we love him!

Caught two mice last night in the sticky trap. They proceeded to whine and kick up a fuss and kept me up half the night. Mind you the dog slept thru it with no problems...

Have to wait until Friday for grades to be posted. Am a bit concerned, but what can I do now??

Had a great conversation with BF over the weekend. Finally got some "future" talk out of him. You know, tentative stuff like where we want to live and work, things like that. I've backed off the children topic for now. Now I want a puppy with him. Then we'll talk children. Am hoping there is a proposal when he gets home. Those that know me know this is different than anything else I've dated.

So that is the update for now..


Saturday, May 08, 2004

my, oh my...

I always like to put a title. It seems to contain the thoughts somehow. And when I am titleless, it just means I couldn't contain my thoughts into a simple phrase.

My poor little puppy was afraid of the noises the mice were making last night. So I lugged all 25lbs of him up on the bed and he proceeded to fall asleep. Slept next to me all night long, but he is a restless sleeper.

Am going to read a book today "The search for Omm Sety" about this lady who was reincarnated and learned how to astral project to meet up with the love of her life after three thousand years of being apart. It piqued my interest, so I bought it.


Friday, May 07, 2004


Politician on the telly being necessarily remorseful.

The final I had on Tuesday night...bombed it. Have to meet with the prof some time this summer to go over the material to prove to him that I know it. Which I do. All my classmates would look to me for the definitive answer...

The dog pissed in the kitchen instead of whining to go out. He must be missing mom and dad.

Want to start smoking again out of boredom.

Am conforming to the system by completing the homework I was refusing to do for the dumb practicum class. I really got that prof's blood boiling (or so I've heard) and now I think I am on her shit list. You know how you can tell when someone doesn't really like you, but is tolerating you and they give you that fake smile?? Well, that would be said prof. And I have her in the fall for a very important class. Am wondering if there is a way to get out of it with her and see if it is offered by any one else.

Am horny...need I say more?


Wednesday, May 05, 2004

dog pissing
all over my house... tonight he has succeeded in marking the living room which had been off limits until now..Then, I wasn't paying close enough attention to him and he peed in the entry way...seems I can't win.


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Oh yeah-

I failed on my vow of silence. I already emailed him this morning...*sigh*


Way too early

I can tell that I have fallen back into student mode if 7.30am is too early for me. I am going back to bed...Picasso was in need of relieving himself so I had to take the pup outside...It's kinda chilly--I think they said 46 degrees right now. High today is suppose to get up to 64, with a chance of rain.
Have a final tonight at 5pm. Pedagogical Grammar. I have to study when my brain is turned a couple hours. Time for a nap.


Monday, May 03, 2004

Have you ever...

just wanted to fight with your lover because he is being an uncouth ass?? Mine is and I want to, but it isn't as easy as that simply because we can't fight. So I am taking a vow of silence towards him for the time being. This is the only means of arguing I have. It will probably only last until tomorrow.

Lost in Translation

I sometimes wish my life more closely resembled that again...I miss the days of understanding half of what is being said all around, yet knowing enough to be the group translator when other, more qualified, speakers/listeners were not around. Or of watching tv and guessing what the topic was based on the kanji at the bottom of the screen.

Was talking with Y. yesterday and she is going through bouts of depression due to the death of her G'ma. Well, we started talking about things Japanese and it was only after a few minutes of conversation that I realized how exclusionary (is that even a word?? Well it is now!) we were being.


One of the problems with living on a "farm" is the smell. N. will be planting the corn soon so he had to fertilize this weekend. Well, lets just say, I feel like I smell! The doors cannot be open for very long or the whole house starts to smell. But finally, the crab apple tree is blooming. The buds haven't opened up yet, but give it a week or so and they should.

With spring finally springing, mosquitoes and other flying, annoying critters are out and about... Lets hope that West Nile is kept to a minimum this year. This is suppose to be the year for cicadas to come out of hibernation to mate. Amazing that they live in hibernation for 17 years only to come out and "have fun" and then die. Talk about a bummer of a life cycle. Well, the news is saying that these little critters can make animals sick if ingested. Now, knowing my puppy, this is something we have to look forward to...Unless they don't live in MN. Now how nice would that be?


Saturday, May 01, 2004

What do you do...

when you live at home with your parents and your dad starts drinking at 12 inthe afternoon? We came home from looking at carpet and couches and he had a list of things for mom and I to do...As if we don't make our own plans. So mom tells him I have to study for finals and she has other things she needs to do. But he insists.

Fast forward an hour. Mom is helping him fill an order when she comes raging into the house "Is the dog with you??" "Where the fuck is he??"
He is found, outside in the field where the dead cat lay, but he was doing disgusting things to the carcass and I had to clean out his mouth cuz mom don't run.
Dad's reply: "He was with your mom"
Mom's response: "you said you were watching him; that he was with you"
Mom starts cussing up a storm. I got pissed. Dad "buried" the corpse. However, remember he is a dog that has just discovered his digging powers, and is really good at it.
So I get a shovel and a plastic bag and dispose of the dead cat. Then I get suckered into helping lift the grill up on to the deck after having helped put it on the grass earlier. Go to move the pseudo-cement bench by the fire pit and cause myself to get a pinched nerve in my neck.
Got pissed. Packed my bag and peeled out of here to go study and eat in peace. Returned after a while to the silent treatment from dad. Now he is "asleep" on the couch. And I am hibernating in my room.
Oh, and I bought a pack of cigarettes and had one...not sure how I feel about that.
