Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

On vaca...

The dog is spoiled rotten. He won't get off my bed without help. He weighs 25lbs and is half the length of me! Oh well, we love him!

Caught two mice last night in the sticky trap. They proceeded to whine and kick up a fuss and kept me up half the night. Mind you the dog slept thru it with no problems...

Have to wait until Friday for grades to be posted. Am a bit concerned, but what can I do now??

Had a great conversation with BF over the weekend. Finally got some "future" talk out of him. You know, tentative stuff like where we want to live and work, things like that. I've backed off the children topic for now. Now I want a puppy with him. Then we'll talk children. Am hoping there is a proposal when he gets home. Those that know me know this is different than anything else I've dated.

So that is the update for now..


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