Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Friday, May 07, 2004


Politician on the telly being necessarily remorseful.

The final I had on Tuesday night...bombed it. Have to meet with the prof some time this summer to go over the material to prove to him that I know it. Which I do. All my classmates would look to me for the definitive answer...

The dog pissed in the kitchen instead of whining to go out. He must be missing mom and dad.

Want to start smoking again out of boredom.

Am conforming to the system by completing the homework I was refusing to do for the dumb practicum class. I really got that prof's blood boiling (or so I've heard) and now I think I am on her shit list. You know how you can tell when someone doesn't really like you, but is tolerating you and they give you that fake smile?? Well, that would be said prof. And I have her in the fall for a very important class. Am wondering if there is a way to get out of it with her and see if it is offered by any one else.

Am horny...need I say more?


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