Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Monday, May 03, 2004

Have you ever...

just wanted to fight with your lover because he is being an uncouth ass?? Mine is and I want to, but it isn't as easy as that simply because we can't fight. So I am taking a vow of silence towards him for the time being. This is the only means of arguing I have. It will probably only last until tomorrow.

Lost in Translation

I sometimes wish my life more closely resembled that again...I miss the days of understanding half of what is being said all around, yet knowing enough to be the group translator when other, more qualified, speakers/listeners were not around. Or of watching tv and guessing what the topic was based on the kanji at the bottom of the screen.

Was talking with Y. yesterday and she is going through bouts of depression due to the death of her G'ma. Well, we started talking about things Japanese and it was only after a few minutes of conversation that I realized how exclusionary (is that even a word?? Well it is now!) we were being.


One of the problems with living on a "farm" is the smell. N. will be planting the corn soon so he had to fertilize this weekend. Well, lets just say, I feel like I smell! The doors cannot be open for very long or the whole house starts to smell. But finally, the crab apple tree is blooming. The buds haven't opened up yet, but give it a week or so and they should.

With spring finally springing, mosquitoes and other flying, annoying critters are out and about... Lets hope that West Nile is kept to a minimum this year. This is suppose to be the year for cicadas to come out of hibernation to mate. Amazing that they live in hibernation for 17 years only to come out and "have fun" and then die. Talk about a bummer of a life cycle. Well, the news is saying that these little critters can make animals sick if ingested. Now, knowing my puppy, this is something we have to look forward to...Unless they don't live in MN. Now how nice would that be?


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