Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Saturday, May 01, 2004

What do you do...

when you live at home with your parents and your dad starts drinking at 12 inthe afternoon? We came home from looking at carpet and couches and he had a list of things for mom and I to do...As if we don't make our own plans. So mom tells him I have to study for finals and she has other things she needs to do. But he insists.

Fast forward an hour. Mom is helping him fill an order when she comes raging into the house "Is the dog with you??" "Where the fuck is he??"
He is found, outside in the field where the dead cat lay, but he was doing disgusting things to the carcass and I had to clean out his mouth cuz mom don't run.
Dad's reply: "He was with your mom"
Mom's response: "you said you were watching him; that he was with you"
Mom starts cussing up a storm. I got pissed. Dad "buried" the corpse. However, remember he is a dog that has just discovered his digging powers, and is really good at it.
So I get a shovel and a plastic bag and dispose of the dead cat. Then I get suckered into helping lift the grill up on to the deck after having helped put it on the grass earlier. Go to move the pseudo-cement bench by the fire pit and cause myself to get a pinched nerve in my neck.
Got pissed. Packed my bag and peeled out of here to go study and eat in peace. Returned after a while to the silent treatment from dad. Now he is "asleep" on the couch. And I am hibernating in my room.
Oh, and I bought a pack of cigarettes and had one...not sure how I feel about that.


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