Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Random thoughts from 2 cans of biru

The joys of jumping through the mandatory hooops of a college education.. Received a "98%" on a paper which will go into my "professional" portfolio for job hunting (when I'm looking for that k-12 position)...Laughable!!! But a good thing to know that I am still capable of talking the talk and walking the walk...

Totally enjoying my dog. He ROCKS!!

Seriously considering a brainless job for the summer, just trying to decide where to apply. A coffee shop seems like the ideal situation, but I have to peruse my options. Don't want to do the disciplinarian job I've been at since last summer... Shitty company with even worse clients.

REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to the month of May and the holiday it entails... nothing on the agenda---YIIiIPPIIIEEEEE!!! Hey have you ever notice that an "i" looks like an upside-down exclamation point "!"

I should go to bed. Have to go and pretend I enjoy middle school at 8am tomorrow. GRRR. Glad it is my last day. Also get to take my puppy to the Vet at 3pm. Ah, the simple life.

Also realizing I am going through reverse culture shock and am hating everything about America. So am trying to figure out how to live here again... what a weird feeling this is. Now I understand why all my friends from Japan upon returning home, fell off the radar... they were dealing with too much shit.

Looking forward to my next big adventure.

Until I return...Have one on me.


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