Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Silly, silly blog...

I cut and pasted it into a new post and it appeared... Go figure. I am going to sit back and drink my beer and pretend that I am doing my homework. Am reading a true crime novel about some sicko in Kansas City who got busted for killing women he met online. He was known as the "slavemaster". Apparently his ways were discovered in late 2000 and 2001. Interesting read. Surprising what sorts of true crime I missed. It amazes me what the human mind is capable of thinking up. What is less surprising is that truth is almost never stranger than fiction...

Carmen Electra is on Jay right now. I enjoy watching her and Dave Navarro's show on MTV.

TV is the focus of my world...


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