Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Friday, May 14, 2004

Got the grades

to prove that I must be doing something right. Check my final grades for the semester and I was very pleased 2 A-'s and 1 B (in my difficult grammar class). I was very very happy, as I was expecting much worse.

Still haven't taken the time to figure out the Haloscan comments link thingie...not sure if I want to give myself the headache.

The dog, Picasso, is being himself...Absolutely wonderful from 6-9am and then a terror from 9-11am then he sleeps until 1 or 3 and then starts all over again.
Last night before bed, he needed to relieve himself. Well, after taking a leak it was evident from his behavior that he needed to do his other business. As I was trying to coax it out of him ("Time to go potty. Go potty. Go potty..." repeated over and over as a kind of mantra for him) he decided he was too tired and plopped down but was all ears to the sounds of the night. Well, yanking on his leash didn't work. So I physically carried him into the house. 15 minutes later he gives me his whine (which is the cue that he has to go) take him out and it is a repeat performance. This time I carry him to his kennel where he spent the night. Thus the wake-up whine at 6, when he promptly did his business.
He is absolutely gorgeous and can be a lover when he isn't biting or attacking cuz he wants to play. So it is a new adventure, day by day.

Well, as I write this he gets up his whine. Gotta go take him for a walk.


At 3:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad you got the comments to work! congrats on the grades, great job.

i like the new colors


At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Send me an email with your blog info. Do you got any of my other emails ( I don't have your current email. The yahoo account got kicked back to me and I can't find your blog info.



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