I have learned so much in the last two months. Teaching is great it is all the other stuff that goes with it that I wasn't prepared for.
Issue number 1: Taking over from an already established teacher with her own routines and expectations of how the program should be run.
Issue number 2: Working with one of the best friends of the teacher that I've replaced is a huge challenge. I know that she is comparing me and my way of doing things to her way and is finding fault in everything I do.
Issue number 3: Being the boss and not realizing when I signed on that that was part of my job description. I thought I'd be working with my assistants. I didn't have a course in working with assistants. I don't know the first thing about being 'in charge' in the sense that I've got to tell other adults what to do. That has been a challenge.
Issue number 4: Understanding that 'no news is good news' and that if I don't hear from administration it is a good thing.
Issue number 5: Finding enough time in the day to run behind all the loose ends that always seem to exist.
Issue number 6: Fear of job security. The trade off of continuing contract rights after year 3.
It has been quite the learning experience and I continue to learn a lot every day.
Married life is good. Am happy. Am trying to diet. Have lost 8lbs. Am severely out of shape. Unhappy with that but am trying to work on it.
The stress of work is muzukashi.
Other things but don't want to publish them here.
Later gators!
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