Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Happy Hump Day

OK... not really happy, but I can pretend. Am currently watching Bones on TV. 2 more days at the middle and high schools then a week off and after that start at the primary and elementary schools.

I need to register to take the Praxis test at the end of April. Also there is a job fair at the end of April which I think I will register to go to. This year, I will get there bright and early and try to get interviews lined up. I should be able to get a job... I hope. I just need something.

Other news... my friend Mony is preggers--- YIPPIE!! At least for her.

Things are snowy and a bit on the cold side here. Spring is coming, but we are just getting one last winter blast.

Have a happy week!


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It has been a rather depressing day. Kirby Puckett is dead.
A hero from my youth gone much too soon. This is a man I remember watching. I remember being allowed to stay up late and watch the end of the 1987 World Series and celebrating when the Twins won! Growing up in the 80's we had a true athlete to admire. He wasn't built like a tall Adonis, he was short and stalky like my brother. He had the hustle that was admired by my grandparents. He loved, loved loved what he did and for that I loved to watch him.

The day after the Twins won the 1987 Series there was a humongous party down at the State Capitol. My mom felt it was important enough and a big enough part of history that she let us skip school and she skipped work and we went down to the celebration.
I remember going to a local stripmall by my Grandparents' house and waiting in line to get his autograph (I think it cost a buck) and we each got our picture taken with this living legend. I didn't know how momentous it was at the time, but that is an awesome memory that I had forgotten until yesterday when the news came of his passing.

It was a sad day when his career was cut short, but he stayed with the same team, which is almost unheard of these days and he didn't seem to be playing for the money. He played for the love of the game. He was so much fun to watch but he was still a part of the team. By the time he was publicly disgraced I was living in Japan and was far removed from what was going on in baseball and MN. At that time, I didn't care about baseball or Kirby Puckett but I also always talked about the MN Twins because baseball is so popular in Japan. And it seemed everybody I met had heard of the Twins... that is quite a feat halfway around the world.

But what I have learned about his divorce and subsequent personal revelations is that he was just like the rest of us, human and full of faults. He never denied his faults and he quietly separated himself from the organization he had worked for for close to 20 years. That was a graceful thing to do. I am sorry he was publicly humiliated or disgraced. But he was human and no where is that more obvious than today with the outpouring of love from around the state and the country.

Anyway, I just wanted to comment on my sadness and share some memories of a living legend.


Monday, March 06, 2006

It's a sad day in MN... A baseball legend has died.

Kirby Puckett had a massive stroke at his home in Arizona on Sunday. He was given last rites this afternoon and they took him off life support and he died.

I'm getting old. I remember the excitement and euphoria when we won the world series in '87. In 1991 I was more into myself and not as into baseball at that time... I was 16 what do you expect?!


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Time flies when life gets in the way.

Teaching has been going fine. Am just jumping through the daily hoops of this student teaching experience. Am hoping that I will be able to find a job. The prospects aren't looking too great in this neck of the woods.

Was talking with my mom today and we started brainstorming about starting our own doggie day care business at the farm. It seems like something we are both genuinely interested in, so we will see what the brainstorming brings. Right now it is in the talking it through stage to try and figure out the logistics of it all.

Am watching the Oscars... I hope Crash wins best picture.

Two more weeks of student teaching at the middle school and high school and then it is off to the primary and elementary schools. When did elementary school stop being elementary school? What is up with these new names for what is k-5??

Happy March to all.
