Time flies when life gets in the way.
Teaching has been going fine. Am just jumping through the daily hoops of this student teaching experience. Am hoping that I will be able to find a job. The prospects aren't looking too great in this neck of the woods.
Was talking with my mom today and we started brainstorming about starting our own doggie day care business at the farm. It seems like something we are both genuinely interested in, so we will see what the brainstorming brings. Right now it is in the talking it through stage to try and figure out the logistics of it all.
Am watching the Oscars... I hope Crash wins best picture.
Two more weeks of student teaching at the middle school and high school and then it is off to the primary and elementary schools. When did elementary school stop being elementary school? What is up with these new names for what is k-5??
Happy March to all.
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