Here is a picture of my puppy... ok, he's not exactly small and he isn't exactly a puppy. But he is two and a half-ish and is a wonderful dog. His name is Yukon and he was basically my gift for quitting smoking. We got him around the same time as I quit.
I decided I should update my blog as I haven't done so in ages.
The whole quitting smoking thing is going well. I must say I miss it though. Although this time around I know-- know-- that I cannot have even one drag as it will start me up again. And I really don't want to have to go through the quitting process again. But it sucks nonetheless. I miss the taste... the texture... but I don't miss how it would make me smell. I realize that more and more when I go up to my parents house and the stench that permeates everything. Two heavy smokers in a closed up house doesn't leave things smelling too good. And Dave likes me better as a non-smoker.
School. It does seem to be never ending and entirely useless. Am now taking the 'education block' classes. Not sure if it will actually get me ready for teaching in 7 weeks or not. Am thinking not.
My mate, Miranda (she's on the left, sitting next to Yukiyo), got a job teaching in an actual school district with an actual paycheck attached! At least she will not have to suffer through paying the school for her teaching experience. Yeah her!!!
What else can I tell you???? Am missing having close girlfriends. It is difficult being this age, back in school, no children and not gainfully employed. Makes making friends hard. Thank god I've got Dave. But even he doesn't understand all the time. Sometimes I need a girlfriend to just hang out with. I will sure be glad when I get done with school and get into a school where I can be a colleague. Hopefully will be able to make some friends that way.
OH!?!! I almost forgot to mention JORDIS UNGA and her incredible run on Rockstar:INXS. She done us Minnesotans proud, but we are glad to have our 'native daughter' back home where she can jam with her band, Liar's Club. http://www.myspace.com-liarsclubband If you give it a few minutes to get all jiggy you can hear 4 of their songs. I really like her voice and how she sounds with her band is F'-ing awesome! Love 'em!
Have been having weird dreams lately. Not sure why. For example... last week during all the drama unfolding on the Gulf Coast I dreamt about my friend who lives in Arkansas. It was an awful dream. Her and her husband had bought a convenience store and she was working there when her husband came home and killed her. I won't go into the graphic nature of the dream, but it was bad and bloody. And the worst is I can't get a hold of her.
Then a couple days after that dream I dreamt I got my nose and my tongue pierced again. I've been thinking about getting my nose done again, but haven't done it yet. But why would my subconscious dream about and feel the needles in both my nose and my tongue???
Am sick and tired of being broke, but Dave doesn't want me to quit school to get a job. So I pick up odd shifts here and there. I feel like I'm 21 again. Except this time I am alot smarter with my credit cards. Well, up until this past week when I went on a binge. Target is a wonderful store.
Will try to be more diligent in updating more frequently. Until next time....XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
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