Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Friday, October 07, 2005

This ain't gonna be a long one... My show is one and I wanna watch it.... Just a couple of things

1- Miranda and I got the go-ahead to present at the MinneTESOL conference in November. That has us totally stoked as we get to talk about what is important to us in the field of teaching English as a Second/Alternate/Other/Additional language.

2- Tomorrow is the Howling at the moon party. Annual family party that was started after 9-11, just to bring some joy to people. Oddly enough, the last two years the party has been held on a Saturday when there hasn't been a full moon. Doesn't stop the Howling competition though!

3- Gotta get to work on my thesis. However, I have a reason to put it off til Mid-November (see number 1).

4- As I get rolling into my 30s I realize that it is an impossible dream to think that one can maintain the friendships cultivated in high school. All the people I knew have changed so much that it is ridiculous to try and pretend to understand each other any more.

5- Still missing smoking, but think I am at 100 days!!! Big mile-stone for me.

Have a good weekend. And if you see the moon on Saturday, give her a howl---WOOO HOOOO WOOOOO!!!!


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