Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Weddings in the Springtime

unfortunately it felt more like mid-October. Overcast skies, blustery winds coming from the North and all the smokers out on the patio at the local country club. Was a beautiful ceremony and the food was delicious. Unfortunately most of my family on that side sucks and I left just as the happy couple were dancing their first dance. My er, um, (insert correct description of the wicked witch here) grandmother wouldn't hardly acknowledge my existence or bother to turn around in her chair to say goodbye. That sums up our relationship in a nutshell. She is evil and only cares about her chosen few (of whom I am not)...ANYWAYS

Came home to Picasso stories. He barely greeted me, then wouldn't leave my side. Then turned on his terror act, forcing me to punish him by putting him in his kennel for a timeout. Then he chilled out and is now sleeping in the living room.

Gonna go socialize with the family that loves me.

Missing the BF, but glad that the summer solstice is almost here, then it will really be time to start counting down. Now, if only I can get a concrete date of when he'll be back I can put my plans of a dream weekend into action...It will cost some dough, but! it will be well worth it. I want to surprise him and spoil him and me a little bit before we have to get back to reality and figuring out where we go from here.

Don't get me wrong, am looking forward to that figuring, just want it to happen at its own pace and not my warped, hyper-speed I sometimes force upon situations...


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