Just a quick note... I was gonna do my proposal meeting for my thesis in two weeks, but have run into a minor/major problem, my chairperson only wants completed chapters to review he doesn't do drafts.
It was my understanding that the thesis process was a learning process and that working with a mentor (the first reader of your thesis) was suppose to guide me on this process. Well this particular person is not that way. I didn't know this prior to last week.
So I've emailed all my members and told them to take me off the schedule for December.
On a different note, Dave and I are trying to save money so our house is rather C-O-L-D... right now it is 57.7 degrees in here. It sometimes gets up to 62 but that is about it. Wearing multiple layers is the rule of thumb. If it makes a huge difference on our heating bill then I will continue to suffer, but it is only 12 degrees outside (that's roughly -10 C). So I sometimes feel warmer when I take Yukon outside to play in the snow.
Oh, that is the other thing...it's been snowing on and off for the last week or so. It makes it look more like Christmas time. It is weird though, cuz we don't have room for a Christmas tree in our little house so it doesn't feel very christmasy here.
Well I need to get back to reading for my thesis. Take care and happy holidays to all.
Posting two picks... one of Yukon doing the pseudo-husky curl and

the other is of my sister Jenny with her dog when it snowed (a rare occassion out in Maryland) playing in the backyard.
it won't upload. oh well.