Insignificant Insights

Going into the first year of fulltime HIGH SCHOOL teaching-- the question becomes, 'what will happen?' My trials and tribulations are as follows...

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Blogger Changed Again!!!
I am happy to see that they continue to update the format of blogging.
my life as of late has been chaos, to put it mildly. My stepbrother and his daughter have moved in. Well, long story short, I am a mandated reporter and went to court with my stepbrother on behalf of his daughter. His sometime soon to be ex-wife has lots of problems, mainly one that comes out of a pipe and is brewed from household chemicals. She is off her rocker (my opinion). Well I told the court that my niece is now on a schedule and is learning things that a 4 year old should know or be learning. She is eating 3 square meals a day. The court granted Scott temporary custody of Brea for a year, provided I am around and assisting in the raising of this precious little girl.
The mother called last night all pissy (and maybe a little f'd up on something too) and screaming at me, my mom, my dad (stepdad). Finally we stopped answering the phone and she left 3 messages. Today when she talked to Brea, she told her a bunch of stuff which Brea told us throughout the day. Specifically Brea told Grandma, my mom, that "she was going to her other grandma's house and NEVER coming back here"... later she told her daddy about "Mommy and Jeffery kissing and playing in the bed naked" then when I got home from school she told me that her and her mommy were "moving to a different MN". The mother gets visitation on Saturdays from noon to 6pm, starting this week. We or more specifically me are concerned that a parental-abduction is in the works. So Saturday is going to be stressful to say the least.
I don't trust this woman as far as I can throw her. If she stopped using whatever it is she is on, then maybe we could work on trust. But I have just as much rights as S does now. I am responsible for her for the next year of her life. I don't want this to go sour. But I don't know what to do. I only hope and pray for the best. S doesn't want to call the cops tonight to take a statement, etc. He wants to do it tomorrow when we can contact the police from his area.


At 9:51 PM, Blogger Ange said...

Thanks Mony. This is getting really old really fast. And we still have 51 more weeks to get thru. How are you? And what's happened with your job?

hugs to you too my dear!


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